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Kōrero o te `Ōrau activities
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19 July - 3 August 2019
UNESCO 2018 Participation Programme
Ātui’anga ki te Tango: Connecting Cook Islands Youth to their Natural Environment through scientific and culture-based learning. A UNESCO project under the 2018 Participation Programme.
29 April - 5 May 2019
'Ātui'anga ki te Tango - Junior Programme
A partnership between Kōrero o te `Ōrau and Manava Ora o te Ivi Maori, Cook Islands National Environment Service and the Ministry of Agriculture through the Ridge 2 Reef Project, supporting a school holiday programme focused on indigenous issues and the connecting our children to their natural resources to promote appreciation for their environment.
February, May & July 2019
Nia Tero's Transformative Leadership Programme
Nia Tero's Transformative Leadership Programme provided training for 11 young leaders from four indigenous communities who are currently represented within Nia Tero's Young Fellows programme - The Cook Islands, Suriname, The Federated States of Micronesia, and an indigenous community from Canada. Participants visited indigenous communities in Ecuador, Mexico, and Kyrgyzstan.
21 - 25 January 2019
'Ātui'anga ki te Tango - Junior Programme
A partnership between Kōrero o te `Ōrau and Manava Ora o te Ivi Maori, Cook Islands National Environment Service and the Ministry of Agriculture through the Ridge 2 Reef Project, supporting a school holiday programme focused on indigenous issues and the connecting our children to their natural resources to promote appreciation for their environment.
15 December 2018
Kinura Tapunui Music Festival
Supporting the youth from Christian church organizations around Rarotonga to encourage good values and bring communities together.
30 November - 1 December 2018
Nia Tero meeting
A privilege for Kōrero o te `Ōrau Executive Members to meet with the Nia Tero board during their visit to Rarotonga in support of Marae Moana, and share our stories with them.
26 - 28 November 2018
Blue Economy Conference
The Sustainable Blue Economy Conference is the first global conference on the sustainable blue economy. Over 18,000 participants from around the world are coming together to learn how to build a blue economy that: 1) Harnesses the potential of our oceans, seas, lakes and rivers to improve the lives of all, particularly people in developing states, women, youth and Indigenous peoples, and 2) Leverages the latest innovations, scientific advances and best practices to build prosperity while conserving our waters for future generations.
8 - 12 October 2018
'Ātui'anga ki te Tango - Junior Programme
A partnership between Kōrero o te `Ōrau, Manava Ora o te Ivi Maori, Ruatonga Māpū, Cook Islands National Environment Service and the Ministry of Agriculture through the Ridge 2 Reef Project, supporting a school holiday programme focused on indigenous issues and the connecting our children to their natural resources to promote appreciation for their environment.
26 June - 4 July 2018
Takurua: Food & Feasts of the Cook Islands
The Takurua O ‘Avaiki Raro, ‘Avaiki Vaenga, Manavanui programme was designed to showcase Cook Islands feasts and cuisine through a series of workshops, site visits and events.
21 - 25 May 2018
Pacific Regional Training Workshop
Pacific Regional Training Workshop on National Arrangements on Traditional Knowledge for Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 18 and Contributing to Aichi Biodiversity Target 16 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
11 - 25 May 2018
Putahi Ono Kuki Airani
From the Putahi Ono Kuki Airani summary document: "Hosting Putahi 2018 is a great platform to showcase our traditional practices - weaving baskets, mats and adornments passed down through generations. Carving miniature vaka that represents our voyaging and navigation by the stars. Painting images of our colourful culture outlining our lifestyle and music. Building relationships between Pacific nations through art and preserving our culture."
2 May 2018
The 'Paikea Phenomenon'
Exciting discussion between Dr Teina Rongo and Colleen Tuuta, Pohau Sean Ellison, and Ramari Oliphant Stewart (Te Kauika Tangaroa) of Aotearoa looking into whale research by indigenous people from an indigenous perspective. Meitaki Ma'ata to our fellow Kōrero o te `Ōrau member, Inano McMurchy, for the connection!
7 April 2018 - current
Avarua Primary School Climate Change project
With funding from the Global Environment Facility’s Small Grants Programme, Kōrero o te `Ōrau partnered with Avarua Primary School to pilot the development of primary school teaching units focused on climate change issues, with the support of the Cook Islands Ministry of Education and Climate Change Cook Islands of the Office of the Prime Minister.
30 January 2018
100 Island Challenge - Rarotonga
A collaboration between Waitt Foundation (U.S.A.), Scripps Institute of Oceanography (U.S.A) and Kōrero o te `Ōrau (Cook Islands). Kōrero O Te `Ōrau members Dr Teina Rongo and James Kora assisted Scripps researchers in adding Rarotonga to the 100 Island Challenge.
12 January 2018
A Legend Among Us
Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Papa Ed Saul, champion of the Kakerori (Rarotonga flycatcher) Recovery Programme in the Takitumu Conservation Area.
August - September 2017
100 Island Challenge - Line Islands & Tuamotu archipelago
A collaboration between Waitt Foundation (U.S.A.), Scripps Institute of Oceanography (U.S.A), The Nature Conservancy (Hawai`i, U.S.A.), CRIOBE (French Polynesia), and Kōrero o te `Ōrau (Cook Islands). Kōrero O Te `Ōrau members Dr Teina Rongo and James Kora were part of the research team that visited the reefs in the Line Islands (Millenium, Vostok and Flint) and the Tuamotu archipelago (Tikehau, Takapoto, and Rangiroa) in French Polynesia.
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